Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2024/2025 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Luisa Landi

Assigned to the Degree Course

Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage (LMR/02)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

SECTION 2.3   

DR LUISA LANDI- Assistant Dr Cristiana Ciocchetti

The cleaning operation is presented as one of the most risky restoration operations because it is irreversible and such as to change the perception of the image of the work. For this reason, in order to proceed with the cleaning operation, in addition to a careful analysis of the constituent materials and degradation, attention will be drawn to the necessary knowledge of the materials that can be used for the selective removal of deposit dirt and altered layers. Cleaning interventions will be carried out on the works present in the laboratory and made available for the course. Facsimiles may be proposed to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

INTEGRATIVE MODULE Photography for diagnostics


Knowledge and understanding of the theoretical foundations of diagnostics and correct documentation standards; understanding of the potential, difficulties and methods of diagnostics. Application of the acquired knowledge in the laboratory; practical execution of diagnostic surveys; ability to solve problems related to the practical application of acquired knowledge. Assessment of the relevant conditions and ability to adapt; selection of the most consistent diagnostic techniques with the case history and the ability to cross-reference data; understanding of the results, evaluation of the conditions of the cultural property examined in relation to the conservation process; envisage hypotheses for conducting the diagnostic approach. Ability to translate the information obtained from diagnostic findings into written or oral reports; critical comparison on the results. Learn about the conservation conditions of a work also through alternative or non-priority diagnostic surveys and through secondary and accessory elements to optimize the interpretation of the data.



Dr LUISA LANDI - Assistente Dr Cristiana Ciocchetti

1. Introduction to Cleaning (2 HOURS)

2. Aqueous environment. Thickeners and Gelling Agents (2 HOURS).

3. Acids and Bases, Materials for making Buffer solutions and their differences, (4 HOURS)

4. Ionic concentration, Chelants, Surfactants, Solubility Tests (2 HOURS)

5. O / W, W / O emulsions, gelled emulsions; Resins Soaps (2 HOURS)

6. Organic Solvents, Triangle of solubility, Solubility test, Solvent / gels, Neutral waxy emulsion.


7. Using the pH meter and conductivity meter (2 HOURS)

8. Preparation of solubility tests with aqueous solutions and with organic solvents. Tests and use. (22 HOURS)

9. Preparation of thickened or supported solvent mixtures on the basis of cleaning tests performed on the works (or models) present in the Laboratory (15 HOURS)

10. Use of the microscope during cleaning operations. Interventions on the artifacts according to the works available for teaching, with particular attention to cleaning and removal of the above-mentioned substances found on the artifacts. Chemical and physical knowledge of the materials used. (35 HOURS)

11. Integrative module of History Art Techniques Dott.ssa Simonetta Capetta (9 hours)

Lesson 5 (hrs. 5), shaping

  • The earths: clay (terracotta, pottery) 

  •  Stucco, wax.

Lesson 6 (hrs. 4), sculpture

  •  Stone sculpture: materials, technique and craftwork, preparing the model, The finishing. 

  •  Metal sculpture: copper and alloys, working techniques, casting techniques.

12. Integrative Photography Module for diagnostics Dr. Paolo A. M. Triolo 

Introduction to photographic documentation and multispectral imaging for BB.CC .; case studies and data interpretation 

Technique and instrumentation; case studies and data interpretation

Computational techniques; case studies and data interpretation II

Color correction

Post-production of multi-shot images

Post-production of computational techniques 

Construction of the set; case studies and data interpretation III 

Set and practical post-production 

Application in the laboratory on works, interpretation of data IV 

Application in the laboratory on works, interpretation of data V 

Bridging Courses

Each section can be attended having followed the previous one with at least 75% presence and in the following order:

Section 2.1

Section 2.2

Section 2.3

Section 2.4

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

D.1 The student must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of executive techniques, degradation phenomenology, cleaning techniques, structural interventions on the support and preparatory and pictorial layers of a canvas painting

D.2 The student will have to practically apply the acquired knowledge, demonstrating aptitude to solve problems also in reference to new and interdisciplinary situations

D.3 The student must demonstrate independent evaluation and ability to find and assimilate information and data useful for the correct formulation of an intervention hypothesis

D.4 The student must demonstrate the ability to draw up a precise technical report of the interventions performed with relative justification of methodologies and materials chosen using an adequate specialist terminology

D.5 The student must demonstrate the aptitude for study and independent learning

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment




DIDACTIC REGULATION art.7 a.a. 2020-2021

Attendance at the restoration laboratory activities is mandatory; Absences are allowed for no more than 25% of the total number of hours relating to the Laboratory attended and for no more than 25% of the total number of hours of each individual section of the relative Laboratory. Attendance registration is required. The presence in the restoration laboratories is subject to the acquisition of the certificates relating to the Safety courses as indicated in the Regulations of the Restoration laboratories.

Course books

The teaching material prepared by the teacher in addition to the recommended texts (such as slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and the teacher's specific communications for teaching can be found on the Moodle platform ›blended.uniurb.it

SECTION 2.3  Luisa Landi

P. CREMONESI, E. SIGNORINI,Un approccio alla pulitura dei dipinti mobili, Il Prato Padova, 2012 

P. CREMONESI, L’uso dei solventi organici nella pulitura di opere policrome, I Talenti, Il Prato Padova , 2004

P. CREMONESI, L’ambiente acquoso per la pulitura di opere policrome, I Talenti  Il Prato Padova, 2011 

P. CREMONESI, L'Uso di Tensiaottivi e Chelanti nella Pulitura di Opere Policrome, I Talenti 10 Seconda Edizione, Il Prato, Padova, 2004 

P. CREMONESI Parola d’ordine: Ligroina! ... Vale ancora?, Progetto Restauro, Il Prato, Padova,2009, 51, pp. 39-48. 

P. CREMONESI, L'uso dei solventi organici nella pulitura di opere policrome, I Talenti, 7, Seconda Edizione, Il Prato, Padova, 2004 

INTEGRATIVE MODULE Photography for diagnostics


P. A. M. TRIOLO, Manuale pratico di documentazione e diagnostica per immagine per i BB.CC., Il Prato, Padova, 2019

G. VERRI, J. CUPITT, Multispectral Imaging in Reflectance and Photo-induced Luminescence modes: A User Manual, Charisma Project, British Museum, 2013 online


After having attended at least 75% of each single laboratory section, the student will be able to take the relative partial during the official exam sessions.

After having taken the partial exams of each of the 4 sections and the supplementary module, the exam will be recorded during the official exam sessions with a single evaluation resulting from the average of the partial evaluations. The evaluation of the final grade will be obtained as follows:

Average of partial ratings 90%

Supplementary module rating 10%


Partial examination

To take each partial exam, the student must submit a Technical Report of the activity carried out in the laboratory. In agreement with the reference teacher. The paper must be sent by e-mail at least two weeks before the exam to the teachers on computer support.

The partial exam consists of an oral interview to be taken with the teacher belonging to the section.

The oral exam will focus on:

operations carried out in the laboratory;

bibliography provided by the teachers

discussion on the report presented.

The final grade of the partial exam will be the percentage sum of three grades: Laboratory, written report and oral exam. The evaluation metric will be as follows:

Laboratory 40%

The Laboratory Activities will have the following evaluation from:

18 if the student covers the minimum attendance

19 to 28 if the student demonstrates good manual skills

28 to 30 if the student actively participates and interacts with the group

Written Report 20%

The written report will have a rating from

18 to 25 if the report covers all the topics covered

25 to 28 if the report has adequate technical language and relevant examples

28 to 30 if all the elements of the report are illustrated in a complete and in-depth manner.

Oral exam 40%

The oral exam will have an evaluation from

18 to 23 if the answers to the questions are incomplete and lacking in adequate language

24 to 28 if the answers to the questions are complete and with adequate language

28 to 30 if the student demonstrates the ability to process and interpret the knowledge acquired

Exam Supplementary module

In each exam session, dates are set for the exam in the history of artistic techniques. Fifteen days before each exam date, which will be published on the exam calendar available on the website of the course of study (https://restauro.uniurb.it), the essay must be sent in order to allow the teacher the necessary time for the correction of the same and to be able to communicate the result on the date chosen by the student to take the history of artistic techniques module. Those who do not pass the exam can present the same topic as the essay at the next exam session, while those who refuse the grade will have to propose a new essay topic making sure they have time to produce it in the same session, otherwise the essay will have to be presented in the following session.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Students who have not attended at least 75% of each laboratory section will not be allowed to take partial exams.

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