Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

What is SUNBEAM?

SUNBEAM is a project with the aim to interlink European and Western Balkans universities; it fits into the European policies on higher education by sharing the main objectives of such policies, like promotion of European higher education, improvement and enhancement of the career prospects of students, promotion of the intercultural understanding through cooperation with third-countries and sustainable development of third-countries in the field of higher education.

The project offers fully funded scholarships:

For students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from the Western Balkans to visit one of the EU partner universities. For students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from the EU partner universities to visit one of the partner universities in the Western Balkans.

These are the 9 countries participating in the project:

  • Italy (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna)
  • Slovenia (University of Ljubljana, University of Primorska)
  • Croatia (University of Split, University of Zadar)
  • Greece (University of Ioannina)
  • Albania (Agricultural University of Tirana, “A. Xhuvani” University Elbasan)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Dzemal Bijedic” University of Mostar, University of Banja Luka, University of Sarajevo, University of Tuzla)
  • Kosovo (Riinvest College)
  • Montenegro (Mediterranean University of Montenegro, University of Montenegro)
  • Serbia (University of Novi Sad, University of Arts in Belgrade)

From the geopolitical point of view SUNBEAM is functional to the supra-national strategic objectives of the region. The project has been developed in respect of the important, strategic events occurring in the Adriatic-Ionian area, mainly the creation of the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-region, whose strategy was formally adopted by the European Commission in June 2014 and endorsed by the European Council in October 2014.

The Adriatic-Ionian Macro-region, the third macro-regional area within the EU, after the Baltic and the Danube Macro-regions, is not a geographical region with predefined boundaries; it is a functional area, composed of national, regional, and local bodies coming together to tackle a number of shared issues and it involves territories of EU member states (Italy, Slovenia, Greece and Croatia) and also potential candidate countries as Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia.

The SUNBEAM partnership includes Higher Education Institutions belonging to all the above countries, with an additional institution from Kosovo*.

For years the partners have been working together on shared topics.

The long- term target of the project is to establish a platform for sharing educational paths in order to implement joint programmes for the awarding of joint titles among the universities in the countries of the area.

In addition to that, the mobility of researchers will enable the exchange of expertise and the identification of research areas of common interest, which the scientific resources of the area should be invested in, with the purpose of creating an adequate scientific background for the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-region.

Students in mobility

Students who have won a scholarship under the SUNBEAM programme, and intend to spend a period of one or two semesters at our University, must download and complete all the forms required, provided at the link http://www.sunbeam.univpm.it/. Upon the student’s arrival at the University of Urbino, these forms must be handed in to the International Relations Office.

For information on the registration procedure for the courses, accommodation and any other details you may require for your study holiday at our university, please visit the Student Mobility page.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

Students registering in the standard courses

Students who have won a scholarship under the SUNBEAM programme and intend to enrol in a Master’s degree course at our University must submit a pre-registration application and request a long-term study visa from the Embassy or Consulate in Italy which is responsible for their country, in line with the times and procedures envisaged for students from outside the European Union described under the heading Regular students>Enrolment.

Once they have obtained a visa and arrived in Urbino, the students must:

  • download and complete all the forms required, provided at the link http://www.sunbeam.univpm.it/; once they have been filled in, these forms must be handed in to the International Relations Office
  • Register online on the website uniurb.it
  • Submit all the documentation regarding study and registration to the International Relations Office

To find out which documents are required to enrol at the University, and to learn more about the procedure, please visit the section Regular students>Requirements and documentation.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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