Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

ERASMUS+ is striving hard to internationalise Higher Education Institutes by making an exceptional investment in individual mobility for learning purposes; indeed, a number of new ideas designed to increase the opportunities for students to study and train abroad have been introduced, now also extending the periods of training activities to new graduates. First, second and third-cycle degree students can experience life in international universities and workplaces, by attending courses and sitting exams in another Higher Education Institute and/or carrying out a traineeship in a company based abroad: these two experiences can be both alternated and repeated, as long as the overall duration of the experience does not exceed 12 months for each study cycle. In order to receive the subsidy, students and new graduates must apply to their own universities which autonomously manage the call for mobility applications for both periods of study and traineeships.

Those interested in experiencing a period of traineeship mobility at our University are invited to contact directly the person responsible in the relative department within our University – i.e. the Department or office of interest – submit their project and forward a Learning agreement for traineeship, which must be requested from their own source University.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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