Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Venerdì 9 marzo 2018, h. 9.00-14.00 Presso il Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo – Sala Lettura Via Budassi, 28 – Urbino Design Thinking Workshop: Supporting Changes in the Context of Humanities Studies

pubblicato il giorno 24/02/2018

Venerdì 9 marzo 2018, h. 9.00-14.00 Presso il Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo – Sala Lettura Via Budassi, 28 – Urbino
Design Thinking Workshop: Supporting Changes in the Context of Humanities Studies
Dr. Andrea Alessandro Gasparini, University of Oslo
Il laboratorio si terrà in inglese e in italiano
Iscrizioni presso Alessandra Molinari (Uniurb, DISCUI)

What is Design Thinking?

We can define Design Thinking as an approach “bringing designers’ principles, approaches, methods, and tools to problem solving.”[1] and “a human centered innovation process that emphasizes observation, collaboration, fast learning, visualization of ideas, rapid concept prototyping, and concurrent business analysis.”[2]

Design Thinking as a Process

DT has also benn defined as a “Product and Service Design innovation process” [3] that rests on 3 pillars:


Rapid prototyping

Abductive Thinking (Synthesis)


DT is used by design consultancies IDIO, DesignIt, Frog etc.

Design Thinking as an approach to Complex Systems Design

Design in complex domains (health care, education, climate etc.)

Wicked problems (incomplete, contradictory, changing and interdependent) [4]: “Rather than finding a good solution to a given problem, find the correct problem to solve”.

Messy, uncertain, and difficult!


[1] T. Brown, “Design Thinking,” Harward Bus. Rev., vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 84–92, 2008.

[2] T. Lockwood, Design thinking: integrating innovation, customer experience, and brand value. New York: Allworth Press, 2010.

[3] T. Brown, Change by design: how design thinking transforms organizations and inspires innovation. New York: Harper Business, 2009.

[4] R. Buchanan, “Wicked Problems in Design Thinking,” Des. Issues, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 5–21, Apr. 1992.

Some words on the coordinator of the workshop

Andrea Gasparini is a Ph.D. research Fellow at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway. He has also worked for many years as a chief engineer at the University of Oslo Library. He has been working with e-readers and tablet PCs in a primary school and the University of Oslo for his master thesis. For the moment, he has finished his Ph.D. about the use of Design Thinking and Service Design in academic Libraries. Andrea Gasparini had the possibility to test his approach in Norway, Italy, USA, and Uganda. In addition, he has received in 2017 a grant to study ways of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) combined with a designerly and user-centered approach in the context of an academic library. His publications include book chapters, journal papers, conference papers, and covers both the field of Design Thinking in diverse contexts as well as the use of technologies in schools.

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