Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

The University Sport Centre C.U.S. - Centro Universitario Sportivo – is the organization responsible both for promoting and organizing any level of sports activities carried out by university students, and for managing the University of Urbino sports facilities. At CUS all Erasmus + and Exchange students can have free access to fitness classes except for the swimming pool and tennis courts. Medical certificate and 10 Euros annual membership card are required. For further information and registration please contact CUS secretariat.

Via Pellipario, 43 - Urbino
Phone and Fax +39 0722 4893
Email: cusurbino@uniurb.it
Opening times: Monday to Thursday a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
and Tuesday afternoons from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

All CUS members have access to fitness courses, the affiliated swimming pool and tennis courts located at Colle dei Cappuccini with special prices.

Annual Membership Fees

  • 10,00  - Students
  • 13,00  - University employees
  • 20,00  - External users

A medical certificate for competitive or non-competitive sports is required.


Sports Facilities
There are numerous sports facilities in Urbino. A detailed list is available on the link.

Those who like caving can join the Speleological Group Urbino (GSU). The association organizes excursions, courses, workshops and conferences.

For further information:
Via Yuri Gagarin
61029 Urbino (PU)
Telefono: +39 339 782 4066

The Club Alpino Italiano is the senior Italian alpine club which stages climbing competitions, operates alpine huts, marks and maintains paths, and is active in protecting the Alpine environment. It was founded in Turin in 1863.

For further information about the local section:
Via Pozzo Nuovo, 21
61029 Urbino (PU)

- CAI Montefeltro -

- CAI Montefeltro - Gruppo di Urbino -

You can get involved in various musical activities in Urbino.

Cappella musicale

Through a special agreement, students regularly enrolled at the University can take part free-of-charge in music courses (wind instruments and choral) organized by the Urbino Cappella Musicale.

Cappella Musicale del SS. Sacramento
Via Valerio, 7
Phone: +39 0722 4120.

Casa della musica

For those that want to play music there is GONG Centre – Casa della musica.
For information, registration and reservation
Phone: +39 331 2427539
Email: info@gongurbino.it


Centro di Educazione Ambientale

Centre for Environmental Education: since 1996, it has dealt with documentation, training and information environmental themes. It organizes numerous events, seminars, courses, guided excursions and teaching-creative workshops aimed at all citizens.

Phone: +39 0722 350301
Email: cea@comune.urbino.ps.it

Golem - Club IDDU

Youth centre: a space available to young people for activities and initiatives, a meeting point where one can discuss, exchange ideas, have fun, organize events, artistic and educational workshops, see films, listen to and make music, read books and magazines, etc.

In addition, Urbino Municipality gives updated information on the calendar of cultural, sports and various other kinds of events coming up in the city.

Via Pozzo Nuovo, 23
Phone: +39 0722 350353
Email: golem@comune.urbino.ps.it

To subsidise the cultural activities promoted by the student associations, ERDIS offers contributions awarded through an annual competition. It also manages a games room, a video-library and, in collaboration with Urbino Municipality, the Golem youth centre.

At Aquilone Hall of Residence there is a newspapers and periodicals library and a book-loan service that makes available to students the text books of all the Departments as well as other books.

Phone: +39 0722 302581
Email: serviziolibrario@ersurb.it

At Tridente Hall of Residence there is also a web radio in operation, called Urbino Radio Campus (URCA)

Phone: +39 0722 302645

For information about all the services that Urbino Municipality offers young people, and for a list of youth associations: www.comune.urbino.ps.it>settore politiche educative e sociali.

On opportunities offered by ERDIS visit www.erdis.it.

Orientation in the world of work or on training courses, planning one’s free time, consulting files, calls for applications, periodicals, etc. It opened to the public in 1996, and since 2001 it has been supported by a Eurodesk Information Point, which issues information about the opportunities offered to young people by the European Union: intercultural exchanges, European Voluntary Service, internships and study and work experience abroad.

Via Vittorio Veneto, 41
Phone:  +39 0722 350354
Email: infogiovani@comune.urbino.ps.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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