Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Workshop on Technology, Work and Internationalization


Day 1: May 29 2019

14:15 – 16:00

Greeting addresses and introduction

Giorgio CALCAGNINI (Deputy Rector, University of Urbino), Marco CANGIOTTI (Director of DESP);  Antonello ZANFEI (Director of the PhD in Global Studies)

Technology and the international organisation of work and production

Chair: Antonello Zanfei

Roger STRANGE (University of Sussex Business School)

The Development of the Global Factory

Andrea COVERI (University of Urbino), Mario PIANTA (Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence), Antonello ZANFEI (University of Urbino)

FDI Patterns and Global Value Chains in the Digital Economy

Giovanni BALCET (University of Torino), Grazia IETTO-GILLES (London South Bank University)

Internationalization, outsourcing and labour fragmentation. The case of FIAT

Introduction to general discussion: Germana Giombini, Bjorn Jindra, Alessandro Pagano,  Antonella Zucchella

Coffee break

16:30 – 18:30

Technology and employment

Chair: Mario Pianta

Jelena RELJIC (PhD candidate, Sapienza University of Rome), Rinaldo EVANGELISTA (University of Camerino), Mario PIANTA (Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence)

Digital technologies, employment and skills

Giulia FELICE (DIG, Polytechnic University of Milan), Fabio LAMPERTI (PhD candidate, Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK), Lucia PISCITELLO (Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK)

Labor Market effects of Additive Manufacturing: Evidence from OECD countries

Alessandro ARRIGHETTI (University of Parma), Eleonora BARTOLONI (ISTAT, Milan), Fabio LANDINI (University of Parma and ICRIOS-Bocconi), Chiara POLLIO (EmiliaLab and University of Ferrara)

Exuberant proclivity towards non-standard employment: evidence from employer-employee matched data

Valeria CIRILLO (INAPP, Rome), Rinaldo Evangelista (University of Camerino), Dario Guarascio (INAPP, Rome), Matteo Sostero (EC - Joint Research Center, Seville)

Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task-based data

Introduction to general discussion: Eduardo Barberis, Giorgio Calcagnini, Angela Genova, Mario Pianta, Giuseppe Travaglini

Day 2: May 30 2019

9:00 – 10:30

Internationalization, technological relatedness and risk

Chair: Bjorn Jindra

Bjorn JINDRA (Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark), Annette MEYERNOFF (University of Bremen)

R&D internationalization of multinational enterprises. Does the concept of related variety help to reconcile prior findings?

Gabriel BENITO (Norwegian Business School), Gabor BÉKÉS (Central European University), Davide CASTELLANI (Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK), Balázs MURAKÖZY (Research Center for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

A risk-taking perspective on the international footprint of the firm

Davide CASTELLANI (Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK), Giovanni MARIN (University of Urbino), Sandro MONTRESOR (Kore University of Enna, Italy), Antonello ZANFEI (University of Urbino)

Unlocking the green door of regional development: the role of MNEs in greening local inventive activities

Introduction to general discussion: Giovanni Balcet, Fabio Landini, Rosalba Rombaldoni, Roger Strange

Coffee break

11:00 – 13:30

Technology, skills and productivity

Chair: Germana Giombini

Giuseppe TRAVAGLINI (University of Urbino), Alessandro BELLOCCHI (PhD candidate, University of Urbino), Edgard J. SANCHEZ CARRERA (University of Urbino)

Unwrapping TFP growth in the euro area

Giovanni MARIN (University of Urbino), Francesco VONA (OFCE-SciencesPo and SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France)

Finance and the Reallocation of Scientific, Engineering and Mathematical Talent

Juan Carlos CASTILLO SANCHEZ (ICRIOS, Bocconi University), Franco MALERBA (ICRIOS, Bocconi University), Roberto MAVILIA (ICRIOS, Bocconi University)

The Evolution of Labor Productivity in Chile’s Exporting Sector: a micro-level perspective

Networks and innovation

Chair: Roger Strange

Roberto IPPOLITI (University of Turin), Giovanni B. RAMELLO (University of Eastern Piedmont), Frederic M. SCHERER (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University)

Partnership and Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry: the Case of Clinical Research

Roberta BOCCONCELLI (University of Urbino), Alessandro PAGANO (University of Urbino), Raffaele SILVESTRI (University of Bari)

The role of multilateral R&D projects in resource development by high-tech cluster firms: the case of Apulia Space

Introduction to general discussion: Davide Castellani, Barbara Francioni, Sandro Montresor, Jelena Reljic


Dettagli sull'evento

Data e luogo

  Inizio: 29/05/2019 alle ore 14:15 Fine: 30/05/2019 alle ore 13:30
Palazzo Battiferri (Urbino, Via Saffi, 42) AA - Aula Amaranto

Organizzato e promosso da:

Dipartimento di Economia, Società, Politica

Modalità di partecipazione

Altre informazioni utili

The Workshop is open to the participation of interested students and scholars. Persons willing to attend are kindly invited to signal their names and affiliation to the Global Studies mailbox sending an e-mail to the following address: phd-global-studies@uniurb.it
For further information please contact Andrea Coveri, e-mail address: andrea.coveri@uniurb.it

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