Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Convegno Internazionale
Perspectives of public communication in Europe: public organizations, communicators, researches


INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - University of Rennes II, University of Urbino Carlo Bo

The international conference intends to address the perspectives of public communication in different European countries, stimulating comparison between academics and taking into consideration the professional associations operating in France, Italy, Spain and Belgium.

The aim is to take stock of the models of public communication adopted so far in different countries, the state of the art of this discipline and its professional field (theories, rules, practices, professions). All this, in order to identify possible development paths that can be shared on an international scale, and to lay the groundwork for methodologies and questions to organize the realization of surveys and the development of a transnational research project.

The conference, bi-located between the University of Rennes 2 in France and the University of Urbino in Italy, is the first meeting between the researchers involved in the international research "Scope of the Franco-European model of public communication".

The conference is promoted by University of Rennes II and Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies Department (DISCUI), University of Urbino Carlo Bo

Organizing Committee:

  • Dominique Bessières, University of Rennes II 
  • Gea Ducci, University of Urbino Carlo Bo

with the collaboration of:

  • Chaimae Laaribi, Phd student, University of Renne II
  • Camilla Folena, Phd student, University of Urbino Carlo Bo 

Under the patronage of:

  • Società Scientifica Italiana Sociologia Cultura e Comunicazione (SISCC)  
  • Processi e Istituzioni Culturali - Associazione Italiana di Sociologia (PIC-AIS)

Online Conference on Zoom: To receive the link to join the conference, please send an email to: c.folena@campus.uniurb.it

Dettagli sull'evento

Data e luogo

  Inizio: 26/01/2022 alle ore 14:30 Fine: 27/01/2022 alle ore 16:30
 Online su Zoom

Organizzato e promosso da:

Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali

Modalità di partecipazione

Altre informazioni utili

The conference is free. To receive the link to join the conference, please send an email to: c.folena@campus.uniurb.it

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