Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Seminario - Synergia Seminars

Quantum Fictivism



Quantum mechanics is arguably our most successful physical theory, and yet the debate on its ontology is still far from offering a definite answer. On the one hand representationalists claim that quantum states directly represent quantum beables, on the other hand anti-representationalists interpret quantum states only prescriptively or instrumentally. Much effort was put into refining and evaluating these two unsatisfactory camps, rather than offering new alternatives. The reason seems to be that it is impossible to steer some sort of middle ground between the two views (Wallace 2012). I aspire to prove the opposite by offering a view that is the best of both worlds: this paper proposes, articulates, and defends a fictionalist view that accounts for the nature of quantum states, and that combines elements of the representationalist and of the anti-representationalist camps. I argue that quantum states represent an ontology that is fictional, and yet, such an ontology provides not only a reference for the language used in quantum mechanics but also an explanation of the quantum measurement results that underwrites the kind of explanations endorsed by representationalists.

L'evento si svolgerà in presenza e online su Zoom.

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- Vera Matarese (Università di Perugia)

Dettagli sull'evento

Data e luogo

  Inizio: 15/12/2022 alle ore 14:00 Fine: 15/12/2022 alle ore 16:00
Palazzo Veterani (Urbino, Via Veterani, 36) Aula del Parnaso

Organizzato e promosso da:

Synergia Research Group

Modalità di partecipazione

Altre informazioni utili

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare pierluigi.graziani@uniurb.it

Link e risorse utili

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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