Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2016/2017 12
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Giovanna Perini Folesani Tuesday and Wednesday, 11-13 during teaching periods. On given dates outside the teaching period. Students supervised towards an MA report should contact me directly in order to decide a suitable date/time.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Art History (LM-89)
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

I refuse to fill out the sections in English for several reasons.

A) Unlike sciences (and perhaps social sciences as well), Humanities and Law are fields where Italy has a long-standing preeminence and heritage to protect, foster and enhance. Like France, Italy should protect her own peculiarities and fields of excellence, starting from her own language.  Excellence in the Humanities implies excellence in Italian. If, in the Humanities, we start translating programmes into English and deliver classes in English, we destroy our field of excellence, far from protecting it. This is not hard to understand or prove: still, it it is not understood. (Mind you: of course I teach in English when I am in an English speaking country or abroad, but not at home). In fact, soon after Brexit, the French Ministry has immediately closed all University programmes in English.


B) Our students are Italian, often with insufficient command of their own language and a very superficial knowledge of English. Why should we waste our time to fill out this section, only to make some bureaucrat happy? As for foreign students, Urbino is little attractive because it is hard to reach, thanks to the lack of proper transport. (The railway was closed in  the 1980s and never reopened. Foreign students have always complained for the poor connections to the rest of Italy. Fix this first, and then we might attract foreign students. And if we should target the children of migrants, well, they should learn Italian, not English, if they want to live in Italy and become Italian citizens)

Bridging Courses

C) While most Professors have English as their second language, some have French, or German or Spanish. Why should we oblige the latter to spend their money to have this section translated into English on their behalf? Or else, why should we oblige them to disgrace and shame themselves (and English) by writing some pidgin English which is obviously detrimental to the image of this institution and to Italian culture at large (as well as a means to spread lack of confidence and respect, together with a lot of ignorance)?

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

D) Time is precious and there is little precious time left for research, while trying to abide by all the needless bureaucratic tasks we have been obliged to comply to since the latest reforms. This is conducive only to lowering standards in Italian research (especially in the Humanities) and to falling further down in international University rankings (no matter how loaded they are). This is precisely what is happening in our Humanities and it is all our doing.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

E) We are grossly underpaid when our salary is compared to  - I will not say American or Canadian - but just French and German salaries for academics. We are not the slaves of overpaid managers in the Ministry or in the Universities. Some of us may well deserve this but not everybody. A reallocation of resources is in order (just like in banks). Until that day, we cannot be encumbered with increasing teaching and bureaucratic loads. Enough is enough.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


F) How can you assess and honour scholarly merit if obedience to orders is considered a merit, especially when orders are stupid, bullying and detrimental? Universities are the only places where scholarly reasearch in the Humanities can be carried out in Italy. Applying foreign and extravagant scientific standards is not conducive to improvement, but to destruction. Resisting all this is a moral duty. Opposition is a must. Adopting incongrous models such as an inept adaptation of American and French standards and systems (ANVUR included) is a disgrace. Especially when France is now stopping the national reviews we have just started, knowing by experience that they are conducive to nothing but feudsand abuse and waste of money. 


Last year I deliberately confined myself to contemptuous silence and repeatedly declined to fill out the English form. This time, in honour of the impending ANVUR review, I speak out my displeasure and contempt for whatever drags us away from academic excellence, being perfectly aware of my personal standing and ranking in the international scholarly community, as opposed to the ranking and standing of this or any other Italian University., including Bologna. Sume superbiam quaesitam meritis. 

Course books

I hereby confirm that whatever I have written in the above sections in English is written by me, without the aid of native speakers, dictionaries etc. I have English as my second language. If I refuse to fill out forms in English, it is not because of inability. It is because I firmly stand in opposition to everybody who wittingly or unwttingly tries to thwart my constitutional rights, starting from the freedom of teaching, while destroying our University system.  A firm NO is in order. 

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