Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

FAMILY LAW mutuato

A.Y. Credits
2019/2020 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Lorenzo Balestra in the 30 minutes before the lessons and in the 60 minutes after the lesson itself. It is also possible to arrange receptions on-site or by remote communication upon request via email

Assigned to the Degree Course

Law (LMG/01)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with an analytical and comprehensive picture of Family Law, with particular attention to in-depth studies on the most important issues with particular reference to current issues examined also in the perspectives de jure condendo, illustrating the most authoritative positions in doctrine and the most significant jurisprudential decisions.


Fundamental characteristics of family law. The family in general - People's law and family function - Civil unions - The de facto family - The celebration of marriage - The invalidity of marriage - Personal relationships between marriages - Foods - Patrimonial relations between spouses - Family business - La separation of marriages - Divorce - Filiation, formal and substantial constitution of the relationship - Adoption and custody.

Bridging Courses

The student must have taken the exam of Institutions of private law.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding

The graduate in Law who has passed the exam of Family Law has: - complete knowledge and understanding of the basic legal sectors; - in-depth knowledge of the fundamental norms of family law and its main institutions, as they emerge in the international and national regulations; - knowledge of judicial and extrajudicial resolution procedures concerning family disputes; - ability to understand goals, contexts and consequences of family law policies; - ability to elaborate legal documents in the context of negotiating, out-of-court and judicial contexts concerning the subject of family relationships.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding 

The graduate in Law who has passed the exam of Family Law has: - the ability to interpret and apply the rules of the legal system of national and international family law; - the ability to find, including through data banks, the understanding and use of family law sources, and analyze case law on the subject.

Making judgments

The student who takes the family law exam has: interpretative ability, case analysis and qualification of the relationship between facts of reality and legal case, in order to be able to identify, represent and solve problems related to the protection of people's rights in family and emotional relationships and conflict management.

Communication skills

The student who has passed the Family Law exam has: ability to describe and investigate the legal problems relating to the right to family relationships with both operators and professional subjects, and with potential customers or subjects in any case interested; ability to illustrate the logical-juridical paths that lead to the solution of the theoretical and applicative problems posed; ability to convince and expose arguments, even in contradiction with other qualified subjects.

Learning skills

The graduate in Law who has passed the exam of Family Law has: acquired the basic skills and tools for the constant updating of their skills in the field of human and family rights; ability to understand the complexity of related legal phenomena; ability to independently follow the evolution of family law (merit and legitimacy jurisprudence) and to deepen it using all the knowledge, also instrumental, necessary and acquired during the course of studies.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lessons.



Course books

Tommaso Auletta, Family Law, latest edition, G. Giappichelli, Turin.

Civil Code last edition.


Oral exam.

This assessment method allows the assessment of the analytical and critical abilities required of the student to be assessed in the most complete way, as well as the student's communication skills, in consideration of the complexity of the topics and the arguments object of the course which he must demonstrate knowledge of the comprehension.

The expected learning outcomes will be evaluated by formulating at least three or more questions. The evaluation criteria and scores are determined according to the following scale:

  • less than 18/30 - insufficient level: the candidate does not reach any of the learning outcomes foreseen in the point "knowledge and understanding";
  • 18-20 / 30 - sufficient level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the point "knowledge and understanding";
  • 21-23 / 30 - fully sufficient level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes envisaged under the points "knowledge and understanding" and "applied understanding and understanding";
  • 24-26 / 30 - good level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding" and "independent judgment";
  • 27-29 / 30 - very good level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding"; "Autonomy of judgment" and "communication skills";
  • 30-30 and praise - excellent level: the candidate fully achieves the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding"; "Autonomy of judgment"; "Communication skills" and "ability to learn".
Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Frontal lessons.



Course books

Tommaso Auletta, Family Law, latest edition, G. Giappichelli, Turin.

Civil Code last edition.


Oral exam.

This assessment method allows the assessment of the analytical and critical abilities required of the student to be assessed in the most complete way, as well as the student's communication skills, in consideration of the complexity of the topics and the arguments object of the course which he must demonstrate knowledge of the comprehension.

The expected learning outcomes will be evaluated by formulating at least three or more questions. The evaluation criteria and scores are determined according to the following scale:

  • less than 18/30 - insufficient level: the candidate does not reach any of the learning outcomes foreseen in the point "knowledge and understanding";
  • 18-20 / 30 - sufficient level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the point "knowledge and understanding";
  • 21-23 / 30 - fully sufficient level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes envisaged under the points "knowledge and understanding" and "applied understanding and understanding";
  • 24-26 / 30 - good level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding" and "independent judgment";
  • 27-29 / 30 - very good level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding"; "Autonomy of judgment" and "communication skills";
  • 30-30 and praise - excellent level: the candidate fully achieves the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding"; "Autonomy of judgment"; "Communication skills" and "ability to learn".
Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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