Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2019/2020 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Laura Di Bona The reception is held after each lesson

Assigned to the Degree Course

Law (LMG/01)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives


The course tends to achieve an adequate knowledge of the Samamrinese legal system, in the peculiarities that characterize it with respect to the Italian legal system, indeed above all as regards the system of sources, where, with reference to the civil law, the common law is still in force formed in Italy in the middle age. In particular, the in-depth analysis that the course, in its general part, proposes with respect to the hierarchy of sources, is functional to the acquisition by the student of the peculiar integration between the CD. ius proprium and the common law, as well as the nature of the Declaration of citizens' rights (also in the actual 2003 reform) - which acts as a constitutional charter hierarchically above all other sources of law - and the related principles.


The special part of the course is functional to the acquisition of knowledge of the rules governing the San Marino criminal law and process.



Declaration of citizens' rights - Subsequent changes - The sisetma of San Marino sources. The common law and the ius proprium - Uses and customs - The jurisprudential formant SPECIAL PART Sammarinese criminal law profiles and San Marino criminal procedural law.


San Marino criminal law profiles and San Marino criminal procedural law.

Bridging Courses

Although no propaedeuticity is formally foreseen, the student is advised to abrogate the course of San Marino Law only after having passed the following exams: History of Italian law; Roman law; Constitutional law and private law institutions.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding (knowledge and understanding)

The graduate in Law who has passed the San Marino Law exam has acquired: - in-depth knowledge of the Sammaerinese source system, as well as full understanding of the relationship between ius proprium and common law; - adequate knowledge of the fundamental institutions of San Marino law; - adequate knowledge of San Marino criminal law and San Marino criminal procedural law.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding (applying knowledge and understanding)

The graduate in Law who has passed the San Marino Law exam has: - the ability to interpret and apply the rules of the San Marino legal system; - the ability to find, including through databases, the understanding and use of the sources of San Marino law, the jurisprudence in civil and criminal matters; The acquisition of the aforementioned requirements will be verified not only in the final exam, but also in the following ways: exercises on case law and the preparation of term papers on topics assigned by the teacher. Making judgments The graduate in Law who has passed the San Marino Law exam has: interpretative ability, case analysis and identification of the specific legislation to be applied to specific cases.

Communication skills (communication skills)

The graduate in Law who has passed the San Marino Law exam has: ability to describe and investigate the legal problems relating to San Marino law in relations both with operators and professional subjects, and with potential clients or subjects in any case interested.

Learning skills (learning skills)

The graduate in Law who has passed the San Marino Law exam has: acquired the basic skills and tools for the constant updating of their knowledge of the San Marino legal system; ability to understand the complexity of legal phenomena; ability to independently follow the evolution of the San Marino law.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Practical exercises on case law.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course will take place in the Second Semester and will consist of lectures and in-depth seminars.

Within the course, 6 hours (1 CFU) will be devoted to the study of case law and to the learning of the methodology necessary for this study.


No one

Course books


- S. Caprioli, Il diritto comune nella esperienza di San Marino, in Le fonti del diritto privato sammarinese, a cura della Banca Agricola e Commerciale, San Marino, 2000.

- S. Caprioli, Per una lettura della Costituzione sammarinese riformata, in Giur. It., 2004, p. 914 ss..

- G. Ramoino, Le fonti del diritto privato sammarinese, in Le fonti del diritto privato sammarinese, a cura della Banca Agricola e Commerciale, San Marino, 2000.


Relazione parlamentare al codice penale, paragrafi da I a XXIV.

- Legge 21 gennaio 2010 n. 6.

- Decreto delegato 27 maggio 2010, n. 96.

- Legge 29 luglio 2013, n. 99.

NB. All legal texts are available on site www.consigliograndegenerale.sm.


The student has the right to take the exam through an oral discussion concerning the topics covered in the reference contributions indicated above. Those who, having attended, have written essays to study individual topics, agreed with the teacher, can discuss them during the exam. The oral interview mode allows the student to evaluate the required knowledge with respect to the subject, the analytical and critical skills required of the student in consideration of the complexity of the topics and the topics covered by the course, as well as the related communicative fitness. The expected learning outcomes will be evaluated by formulating three or more questions. The evaluation criteria and scores are determined according to the following graduation:

less than 18/30 - insufficient level: the candidate does not reach any of the learning outcomes foreseen in the point "knowledge and understanding";

18-20 / 30 - sufficient level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the point "knowledge and understanding";

21-23 / 30 - fully sufficient level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes envisaged under the points "knowledge and understanding" and "applied understanding and understanding";

24-26 / 30 - good level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding" and "independent judgment";

27-29 / 30 - very good level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding"; "Autonomy of judgment" and "communication skills";

30-30 and praise - excellent level: the candidate fully achieves the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding"; "Autonomy of judgment"; "Communication skills" and "ability to learn".

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students




No one

Course books


- S. Caprioli, Il diritto comune nella esperienza di San Marino, in Le fonti del diritto privato sammarinese, a cura della Banca Agricola e Commerciale, San Marino, 2000.

- S. Caprioli, Per una lettura della Costituzione sammarinese riformata, in Giur. It., 2004, p. 914 ss..

- G. Ramoino, Le fonti del diritto privato sammarinese, in Le fonti del diritto privato sammarinese, a cura della Banca Agricola e Commerciale, San Marino, 2000.


Relazione parlamentare al codice penale, paragrafi da I a XXIV.

- Legge 21 gennaio 2010 n. 6.

- Decreto delegato 27 maggio 2010, n. 96.

- Legge 29 luglio 2013, n. 99.

NB. All legal texts are available on site www.consigliograndegenerale.sm.


The student has the right to take the exam through an oral discussion concerning the topics covered in the reference contributions indicated above. Those who, having attended, have written essays to study individual topics, agreed with the teacher, can discuss them during the exam. The oral interview mode allows the student to evaluate the required knowledge with respect to the subject, the analytical and critical skills required of the student in consideration of the complexity of the topics and the topics covered by the course, as well as the related communicative fitness. The expected learning outcomes will be evaluated by formulating three or more questions. The evaluation criteria and scores are determined according to the following graduation:

less than 18/30 - insufficient level: the candidate does not reach any of the learning outcomes foreseen in the point "knowledge and understanding";

18-20 / 30 - sufficient level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the point "knowledge and understanding";

21-23 / 30 - fully sufficient level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes envisaged under the points "knowledge and understanding" and "applied understanding and understanding";

24-26 / 30 - good level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding" and "independent judgment";

27-29 / 30 - very good level: the candidate achieves, in particular, the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding"; "Autonomy of judgment" and "communication skills";

30-30 and praise - excellent level: the candidate fully achieves the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "Applied understanding and understanding"; "Autonomy of judgment"; "Communication skills" and "ability to learn".

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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