Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2021/2022 8
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Marie Ines Calajoe Friday 11.30 - 12.30 - online by appointment
Teaching in foreign languages
Course entirely taught in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in a foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Psychology - Sciences and Techniques (L-24)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course proposes to provide students with lexical, syntactic, phonological and prosodic skills useful for, understanding, listening,  translating, reading and discussing an authentic text on psychology in English.


Weekly lesson program:

Monday 9.00 – 11.00 – Translation practice and theory

Thursday 11.00 – 13.00 – Theory and practice of text comprehension with grammar study.

Friday 9.00 – 11.00 – Theory and practice of orality – Listening and speaking (with the collaboration of Professor Patricia Barzotti).  

i.    Morphology and syntax of a sentence - 4 lessons (4 hours)

ii.   Lexicon specific for psychology - 4 lessons (4 hours)

iii.  Text analysis - 8 lessons (8 hours)

iv.  Translation - 8 lessons (8 hours)

v.            Listening and discussions on psychology - 8 lessons (8 hours)

Bridging Courses

There are no bridging courses.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

In relation to the English language the student must prove to have acquired:

Knowledge and understanding and applying knowledge and understanding – The objectives of the course is to acquire the necessary lexical and morphosyntactic skills for the comprehension and interpretation of authentic texts on psychology. These will be analyzed from both a linguistic and cultural perspective in order to allow the student to familiarize themselves with the various topics and concepts from the field of psychology.  

Making Judgments - Students will be encouraged to express themselves and discuss their thoughts on the topics introduced.

Communication skills - Students must have the ability to efficiently express and communicate their knowledge of the basic concepts of psychology in English.

Learning Skills -  The students are expected to be able to use the knowledge and concepts learned in order to reason and hold discussions on psychology for their future as professionals in the field.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

·   Practice and exercises will be held by Professor Patricia Barzotti

·   Remedial courses (optional) for basic grammar will be given by Professor Patricia Barzotti

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures and interactive lessons. 


Attendence is not obligatory. 

Course books

The learning material  will be available, along with support material, on the Moodle › blended.uniurb.it

Suggested Text: Raymond Murphy, Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 4 edition, 2012 (con CD)

An English Language dictionary is suggested as an aid for the translation part of the exam.


Written exam (circa one hour  and a half) Two Parts: part 1. translation English to Italian, duration one hour. part 2. (c. half hour) Listening to a text on a theme of psychology followed by  comprehension questions of: multiple choice, true false or gap filling (one sitting per session) and Oral exam (two sittings per session/ one in the autumn session after having passed the written exam).

For the oral exam: the students must choose 4 texts from the course study material specific for this part of the exam. You will be expected to discuss the contents of several of the chosen texts.

The Assessment Criteria for grades are on a scale of 30 (the final grade is an average of the written and oral exams)

- less than 18: the level of competence is not sufficient. No score is given for the results of knowledge understanding.

- 18 – 20:  the level of competence is sufficient. The student has achieved the minimum results required for knowledge and understanding.

- 21- 23: the level of competence is fully sufficient. The student has achieved the required results for knowledge and understanding and applying knowledge and understanding.

- 24 – 26: the level of competence is good: the student has achieved the required results for knowledge and understanding, applying knowledge and understanding and making judgments.

- 27 -29: the level of competence is very good level. The student has achieved the required results for knowledge and understanding and applying knowledge and understanding,  making judgments and  Learning Skills .

- 30 – 30 cum laude: the level of competence is excellent. The student has fully achieved the required results for knowledge and understanding and applying knowledge and understanding, making judgments and  learning skills .

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


There are no differences compared to what is expected for attending students.


Attendence is not obligatory. 

Course books

The learning material  will be available, along with support material, on the Moodle › blended.uniurb.it

Suggested Text: Raymond Murphy, Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 4 edition, 2012 (con CD)

An English Language dictionary is suggested as an aid for the translation part of the exam.


Written exam (circa one hour and a half ) Two Parts: part 1. translation English to Italian, duration one hour. part 2. (c. half hour) Listening to a text on a theme of psychology followed by  comprehension questions of: multiple choice, true false or gap filling (one sitting per session) and Oral exam (two sittings per session/ one in the autumn session after having passed the written exam).

For the oral exam: the students must choose 4 texts from the course study material specific for this part of the exam. You will be expected to discuss the contents of several of the chosen texts.

The Assessment Criteria for grades are on a scale of 30 (the final grade is an average of the written and oral exams)

- less than 18: the level of competence is not sufficient. No score is given for the results of knowledge understanding.

- 18 – 20:  the level of competence is sufficient. The student has achieved the minimum results required for knowledge and understanding.

- 21- 23: the level of competence is fully sufficient. The student has achieved the required results for knowledge and understanding and applying knowledge and understanding.

- 24 – 26: the level of competence is good: the student has achieved the required results for knowledge and understanding, applying knowledge and understanding and making judgments.

- 27 -29: the level of competence is very good level. The student has achieved the required results for knowledge and understanding and applying knowledge and understanding,  making judgments and  Learning Skills .

- 30 – 30 cum laude: the level of competence is excellent. The student has fully achieved the required results for knowledge and understanding and applying knowledge and understanding, making judgments and  learning skills .

Note: All information on the course programme and exam requirements can be found on the Blended learning platform. 

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

« back Last update: 23/12/2021

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