Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Francesca Testella on appointment

Assigned to the Degree Course

Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

Knowledge of the fundamental lines of national, European and international civil protection law.
Learning the method of coordination and integration of civil protection issues (particularly from an environmental perspective) with economic, territorial and social development. Ability to understand and interpret the most important transformations of the global panorama, as well as the complex local and international organizational governance.

Special part: the management of water resources as an essential good


1. 1 What is civil protection
2. 2 Italy's fragilities
1. 2.1 Earthquakes
2. 2.2 Tsunamis
3. 2.3 Volcanic activity
4. 2.4 Landslides, floods and extreme weather events
5. 2.5 Water deficit
6. 2.6 Forest fires
7. 2.7 A reflection

3. 3 A history of events and laws
1. 3.1 The beginnings
2. 3.2 The Florence flood of 1966 and the Belice earthquake of 1968
3. 3.3 The 1976 Friuli earthquake
4. 3.4 The 1980 Campania-Basilicata earthquake
5. 3.5 The birth of modern civil protection
4. 4 Organization of the National Civil Protection Service
5. 5 Civil protection risks
1. 5.1 Dangerousness
2. 5.2 Exposure
3. 5.3 Vulnerabilities
4. 5.4 Risk
5. 5.5 Predictability and forecasts
6. 6 The risk management cycle and civil protection activities
1. 6.1 Forecast
2. 6.2 Prevention
3. 6.3 Emergency management
4. 6.4 Overcoming the emergency
The relationship with Europe and with international organisations
The Union Civil Protection Mechanism
5 International organisations
6 Civil protection interventions in Italy and around the world
climate change and related risks
the earthquake: educational, economic and administrative continuity
The tsunamis
Anthropic risks
7 Civil protection volunteering and citizen participation
  Civil protection volunteering
Historical notes on civil protection volunteering in Italy
Self-protection measures

Special part: the management of water resources as an essential good

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the training course, graduates acquire:
- knowledge and skills relating to the engineering profiles of emergency and emergency management
crisis situations.
These aptitudes are developed through teaching training activities, tutoring activities and study of
texts and materials provided by the teacher, usually available on the blended learning platform, as well as via
in-depth thematic seminars and conferences, especially with regard to particularly current issues e
interdisciplinary relevance.
The assessment of the mastery of knowledge and skills takes place through assessment tests
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
At the end of the training course, graduates achieve:
- the specific aptitude to apply, according to a problem solving approach, operational solutions suitable for
manage emergencies and crisis situations.
These aptitudes are achieved through group work and exercises on case studies.
These aptitudes are assessed through the presentation of papers and other training experiences organized in the
scope of the course of study.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Innovative teaching methods

Debate: regulated debate in University

Problem-based learning (problem-solving learning) in small groups

Flipped classroom. Flipped Learning. Flipped learning in academic teaching

Learning by doing (Simulation of scenarios, etc.)

Course books

Il nuovo codice di protezione civile. Storia, analisi, prospettive, di Antonio Annecchini (Autore), Fabrizio Cola (Autore), Roberto Oreficini Rosi (Autore), EPC

 La protezione civile in Italia, Testo istituzionale di riferimento per i docenti scolastici
Formazione di base in materia di protezione civile Legge n. 92/2019 sull’introduzione dell’insegnamento scolastico dell’educazione civica, Ministero dell'Interno 

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students

Course books

Il nuovo codice di protezione civile. Storia, analisi, prospettive, di Antonio Annecchini (Autore), Fabrizio Cola (Autore), Roberto Oreficini Rosi (Autore), EPC

 La protezione civile in Italia, Testo istituzionale di riferimento per i docenti scolastici
Formazione di base in materia di protezione civile Legge n. 92/2019 sull’introduzione dell’insegnamento scolastico dell’educazione civica, Ministero dell'Interno 

Diritto all’acqua e statuto della risorsa idrica, con particolare riguardo a proprietà e tariffa di Francesca Testella, EUM

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