Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2023/2024 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Massimiliano Alessandrini By appointment to be agreed with the teacher.
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Management of policies social services and multuculturalism (LM-87)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to analyze the transformations that have taken place and are in progress, in the organizational processes of the territorial welfare system, with references to specific regional experiences. Methods, techniques, tools, planning and programming activities will be analyzed in the light of the different operational phases.

In the overall vision of the course, particular attention is therefore paid to:

to the analysis of the reform law n. 328 of 2000;

to methodological, design and planning/programming innovation, proposed and implemented in the territories;

to the subsequent critical issues due both to political and technical failures, and to the effects caused, since 2008, by the social/economic crisis, today, by the Covid 19 pandemic, on citizens, Local Authorities, the social private sector, social and social policies/ sanitary;

the analysis of methods, techniques, tools, projects, resources, objectives, proposed by the current phase of reorganization of territorial welfare (including the actions of the Recovery and Resilience Plan), with particular attention to the local community and the articulated and complex paths of professional, managerial and institutional integration between "public" and "private social", between "social" and "health".

To the development of a "participatory public welfare", for a possible evolution of the welfare state in a participatory way, centered on a new pact and a new role of the territories and the community, in the management of social security (from community work to shared administration ).

Spatial planning methods and techniques will concern, in particular:

the role of local social safety networks, actors, systems, policies and organizations that promote citizen participation and responsibility;

what is, today, "territorial welfare" or what is meant, in the context of the local community, by collective management of individual needs and risks and by "system" that supports and promotes well-being and growth, including economic, of the territory;

social workers, the different roles in organizing personal services; operational methods and techniques for planning training (such as theoretical, technical, relational skills) ... for organizing and participating in research/action projects, including "social" evaluation paths.


Programming methods and techniques in the context of territorial welfare, the situation today and what future for welfare.

Topics, contents, problems and phases of the program:

Introduction to the course: description of the course.

Essential "social" glossary, the "strategic words" of the "social profession" in the context of territorial welfare.

The law n. 328 of 2000 ("Framework law for the realization of the integrated system of interventions and social services"), analyses, comments, evaluations. The situation today is the new organization of territorial welfare. Welfare governance and welfare governance.

Functions and organization of social policies of Local Authorities (in particular: role, organization, actors of the Municipality), functions of the Regions, organization of local health. The welfare of services. What is a "service" (primary, access, complementary services), why and how services are designed and activated.

Multidisciplinarity, integration and teamwork.

Regional "social" laws, new rules, the "social" is transformed. The start of the "welfare reform" starting from the amendments to Title V of the Constitution (critical issues and strengths).

Demandable rights and "essential levels" of social security, the development of a "public, participatory welfare": starting points for re-programming and organizing "national" and "territorial" welfare.

Social rights and definition of the Essential Levels of Social Services.

Planning and scheduling services in the area.

Social planning, methods and tools for planning services, interventions, organizations.

Methods, techniques, tools for territorial social planning (implementing Social Plans, annual/three-year, Zone or Social Territorial Ambit). The role of local politics and the role of technicians. Social Territorial Areas, Committee of Mayors, Planning Office, Coordinators/facilitators, staff operators, the various local stakeholders, different and integrated skills.

Methods and techniques for consulting, coordinating, planning and managing in a participatory way: co-programming and co-planning.

Processes for social and health integration".

Processes for the integration between "public" and "private".

Methods and tools for the different levels of integration (professional, managerial, institutional integrations).

Government, governance and "community work".

Methods and tools for "social" evaluation (to improve services, organisations, structures, projects, social plans, professionalism of social operators); the tools: dimensions, indicators, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, research/action.

Authorization and accreditation of social services and structures.

The partecipation. The process for building the "local social network", methods and techniques for networking, for managing relationships. The "diseases of the network". The role of the "participation tables". The working group and group work. Communicate and inform: from the Charter of Services to participatory and shared territorial social plans.

Organization of “social spending”. European, national, regional, ordinary and extraordinary funds, PNRR. Old and new ways of "purchasing" personal services/services.

Bridging Courses

No propaedeutics

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding of contents and problems typical of the activity of a social worker, in the operational context (services, organizations, structures…) of the local community.

The student will have to demonstrate knowledge of the articulations included in the system of territorial welfare policies, of the role of the various organizations (public and private), of the processes and levels of integration.

The student will have to show the possession of skills on the activity of planning, programming, social planning, research/action, social evaluation.

Applied knowledge and understanding skills.

The professional approach to social work: the student will have to demonstrate knowledge of methods of organization and management of tables, multidisciplinary teams, technical groups aimed at participation, study, planning and integrated management, on different areas of integrated social intervention.

In particular: community work, knowledge and operational skills on the management of methods and techniques for observation, listening, concertation, co-planning, participatory management, evaluation of expected results.

Ability to support arguments and problem solving orientation.

Independent judgment and communication skills.

The student will have to show possession of the ability to use knowledge and concepts that allow methods of activation, organization and management of local social networks, aimed at empowerment and participation.

Individually manage professional interpersonal relationships, coordinate working groups, know how to listen and identify operational or policy guidelines, promote and foster communication with the various partners in the local network, both professional and non-professional.

Ability to learn.

Learning of theoretical skills, technical skills, relational skills typical of the social worker, both by autonomously identifying training and updating tools, and by organizing or planning, in a participatory form, specialized training in the context of the public (local authorities, health, Region, school. ..) and/or in the private context (e.g. Third Sector...).

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

In addition to the documentation made available to students on the blended platform (see, below, under the heading "study textbooks"), in-depth seminars will be organized during the course, in collaboration with internal teachers and technicians experts/social workers who carry out activities in the territory, witnesses and protagonists of territorial welfare, with particular attention to:

- territorial welfare, participatory welfare;

- territorial social planning;

- the social worker;

- community work;

- networking and institutional, managerial and professional integrations;

- role of the third sector;

- role of the "public": State, Regions and organization of local authorities and local health;

- social and health integration;

- new questions/needs, new services, interventions

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures, comparison and analysis of the proposed documentation, group work.

Seminars: meeting/comparison with the experiences of professionals/social workers who carry out activities in different territories, witnesses and protagonists of local welfare.

Audio chats, forums.


Attendance of 3/4 of the lesson hours. Study of the texts in the program and of the material provided by the teacher.

Course books

- Merlo G., "La programmazione sociale", Carocci, Roma 2014 (Capitoli I-II-IV-VII-VIII)

- De Ambrogio U., Marocchi G., "Coprogrammare e coprogettare. Amministrazione condivisa e buone pratiche", Carocci, Roma, 2023

To supplement the textbooks during the course, students will be made available - through the Blended platform - documentation, produced by the teacher, concerning updated experiences of territorial welfare, planning and organization of social services, regulations. These are legal texts, summaries of social planning paths, territorial network experiences and network work, action research, social planning, social evaluation, experiences of groups and group work, integration processes with references also to management associated between Municipalities, methods of access to services, management of contracts and outsourcing, organization of essential levels of social services, new methods of "purchasing" social services.


Oral examination.

In-course tests may also be proposed aimed at verifying learning in relation to:

theoretical skills;

technical skills;

relational skills.

Verification tests:

An oral interview is scheduled and, upon request by the student, the presentation of a short essay or "oral paper" on the fundamental topics of the course.

Evaluation criteria and parameters:

For the exam session, completeness of knowledge, expository mastery and ability to elaborate complex topics and basic notions will be assessed.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Documentation published in "blended platform" is available.


Study of the indicated program.

Course books

- Merlo G., "La programmazione sociale", Carocci, Roma 2014

- De Ambrogio U., Marocchi G., "Coprogrammare e coprogettare. Amministrazione condivisa e buone pratiche", Carocci, Roma, 2023

- Falcone F. “Programmare al limite”, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2018 (Capitoli IV-V).

To supplement the textbooks during the course, students will be made available - through the Blended platform - documentation, produced by the teacher, concerning updated experiences of territorial welfare, planning and organization of social services, regulations. These are legal texts, summaries of social planning paths, territorial network experiences and network work, action research, social planning, social evaluation, experiences of groups and group work, integration processes with references also to management associated between Municipalities, methods of access to services, management of contracts and outsourcing, organization of essential levels of social services, new methods of "purchasing" social services.


Verification tests:

An oral interview is scheduled and, upon request by the student, the presentation of a short essay or "oral paper" on the fundamental topics of the course.

Evaluation criteria and parameters:

For the exam session, completeness of knowledge, expository mastery and ability to elaborate complex topics and basic notions will be assessed.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

« back Last update: 06/09/2023

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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