Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2023/2024 8
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Antonella Negri students need to book office hours via email
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language French Spanish English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: LETTERARIO
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is to lead the students to understand how Europe has always been characterized both in the past and present by the existence of Multilingualism which goes definitely overcovering the most well-known Romance Languages. The knowledge of the evolution that from Latin goes to Multilingualism of the Romance area in historical and comparative perspectives, and the understanding that all languages, regardless of whether they are national languages, official languages or dialects, have equal dignity.


Contents: Multilingualism and Plurilingualism in Europe: Romances languages and pan romance lexicon.

 The vocabulary from Latin to the Romance languages, French, Spanish, Italian. 

Romance languages in the Western and Eastern Romània. 

The Linguistic “Inter-comprehension” in the Romance world in the past and in the present.

Beyond the pan-European lexicon: the Common European Lexicon.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Objectives (Dublin descriptors):

Students must demonstrate knowledge of the evolution that from Latin goes to Plurilinguism of the Romance area in historical and comparative perspectives, and the understanding that all languages, regardless of whether they are national languages, official languages or dialects, have equal dignity.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lectures. Teaching material on moodle. 

Innovative teaching methods

Lectures organised with the participation of students who will produce material for discussion. Innovative teaching modes: flipped lessons.

Course books

Some supplementary materials will be recommended  by the lecturer in the course of lectures (Some pages from P. Beltrami, La filologia romanza, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017 and some pages from L.Tomasin, Prima lezione di romanistica, Bari, Laterza, 2023).   For those who want a bibliography in English, French and/or Spanish please contact the professor during office hours.


The assessment test will be written: 5 open-ended questions.

Disabilità e DSA

Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.

A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students

Course books

For those who want a bibliography in English, French or Spanish please contact the professor during office hours.

For the written text, non- attending students of Foreign Languages are expected to know read and understand:  L. Minervini, Filologia romanza, 2 Linguistica, Milano, Le Monnier, 2022 and L. Tomasin, Prima lezione di romanistica, Bari, Laterza, 2023.


The assessment test will be written: 5 open ended questions.

Disabilità e DSA

Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.

A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.

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