Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2024/2025 8
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Francesca Declich To be agreed with the teacher
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English Spanish
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: TURISTICO
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The objectives of the course is to introduce students to the anthropological study of tourism by ensuring that the knowledge acquired can enable an independent, if simple, analysis of the social and anthropological dynamics created by the activation of tourism activities. Students will be able to recognize how the tourism object is culturally and socially constructed. 


In the course, various modes related to travel will be analyzed, moving from the study of travel to the study of tourism. Thus, aspects of various modes of tourism, cultural tourism, experiential tourism, solidarity tourism, etc., will be analyzed, as well as the different ways and methodologies by which the social relations established by tourism can be studied.  We aim to provide a basic background on the impact of tourism in the social contexts in which it develops.

The course also offers an introduction to empirical anthropology based on fieldwork. Programmed topics:

- Concept of culture and cultural transformation.
- Cultural heritage and cultural patrimony

- Modes of tourism and expectations. Approaches to tourism.
- Travel and tourism
- Inculturation and deculturation
- Acculturation and tourism
- Concepts of the anthropology of tourism.
- The construction of the tourism object. Ethnographic examples and materials.
- Tour operators and type of experiences offered to tourists. Demand and supply of experiences.
- Tursimo, the most important industry of the century
- Authenticity and tradition
- Experiential tourism
- Sustainable tourism
- Cultural tourism
- Ethnic tourism
- Gender and declinations of sex tourism
- Museums and identity negotiation between descendants of enslaved and sugar mill masters in the French West Indies
- Memory creation and reinvention through archaeology in Yucatan, Mexico
- Construction of the tourist object and cultural heritage: the example of Urbino

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

It is expected that students will acquire basic and some  specific knowledge of main authors, concepts and debates within Anthropology of Tourism. The students’ ability to learn about this specific field will be enhanced by encouraging the students’ autonomy and critical abilities, through lectures, seminar sessions and debates.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding skills

  •         Acquisition of basic and specific knowledge about the main authors, concepts and debates specific to the anthropology of tourism within the more general framework of anthropological studies.

Applied knowledge and understanding skills

  •         Ability to develop ideas related to the practice of applied anthropology in the tourism context.  
  •         Familiarity with the basic methods of field research.

Autonomy of judgment

  •        Understanding of the research scope of tourism anthropology and urging autonomy of judgment and critical skills through seminar work and discussion both with the lecturer and among students.
  •        Critical ability towards tourism scenarios to identify their purposes and impacts on different social contexts.

Communication skills

  •         Development of aptitude for clear communication of the main concepts of the field of study

Ability to learn.

  •         Ability to find specific sources related to the anthropology of tourism
  •         Ability to highlight in observed realities the construction of the tourism object
  •         Development of aptitude to distinguish concepts and theories from empirical research findings

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Some materials will be uploaded to the moodle software.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures. Possible tutorials and seminars will also be held on elements of innnovative didactics

Documentaries and audiovisual research materials will be presented

Will be conducted:
- oral presentations in class
- Participatory analysis of the materials presented
- Practice in the production of concept maps
- Participatory discussion of documentaries and audiovisual research materials

Innovative teaching methods

Attendance is not mandatory. It is mandatory to study the provided study texts. In the case of attendance, there may be materials that will be uploaded to moodle and/or the pre-submission of an essay in class. Following the presentation of the text, 3 of the anthropological topics handouts may be removed.

Course books
  • ·  John Hurry, 1995, Lo sguardo del turista, Edizioni SEAM
  • ·  Alessandro Simonicca,  1998, Antropologia del Turismo. Strategie di ricerca e contesti etnografici, Carocci
  • ·  Selezione di capitoli dal libro di Conrad Kottak – Antropologia culturale – 2012 – McGraw Hill 

                     Cap 1 Cosè l’antropologia  pg 1-14                                           Pgg 14

                     Cap 2 La cultura   pg 15-33                                                        Pgg 18

                     Cap 3 Panoramica delle teorie antropologiche  pg 35 - 52         Pgg 17

                     Cap 4 I metodi dell’antropologia culturale   pg 55-77                 Pgg 22

                     Cap 7 L’etnicità  pg 129-144                                                       Pgg 15

                     Cap 10 Il genere   pg 193-214                                                    Pgg 21

                      Par 8.9   L’antropologia del turismo  pg 163-172                        Pgg  9

                      Totale numero pagine del kottack  =                                            pgg  116

  • ·  Il libro di Jean Loup Amselle – Pscotropici. La febbre dell’ayahuasca nella foresta amazzonica – Meltemi, 2020


                Tre articoli a scelta tra i seguenti e quelli inclusi nel libro:

a cura di Bianchini F., C. Cipollari, Magnani E., Notarangelo C.  Esperienze nel continente africano. il turismo come strumento di sviluppo sostenibile, CISU 2009

e/o fra i seguenti:

“Can Tourists Purchase the Past? The Past as a Commodity in Tourists Sites”, in “Anthropological Notebooks”, XVI/1, pp. 23-36, 2010.

“Vivere il campo e vedersi osservati. Riflessioni sul posizionamento dell’etnografo in una ricerca di antropologia del turismo”, in Lai F. e Sbardella F. (a cura di), “Complicità, osservazione e racconto. Esperienze di ricerca al femminile”, pp. 23-43, Patron editore, Bologna, 2010.

 “Can Tourists Purchase the Past? The Past as a Commodity in Tourists Sites”, in “Anthropological Notebooks”, XVI/1, pp. 23-36, 2010.

“Il turismo sessuale nel sud-est asiatico, una lettura antropologica.”, in Lucà Trobetta P. e Scotti S (a cura di), “L’albero della vita. Feste religiose e ritualità profane nel mondo globalizzato”, pp. 327-337, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2007.

Noel B. Salazar, Antropología del turismo en Países en desarrollo: Análisis crítico de las culturas, poderes e identidades generados por el turismo in Tabula rasa, 5, julio-diciembre, 2006.     http://www.revistatabularasa.org/numero-5/salazar.pdf


Oral examination

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Studying the suggested texts.


Attendance is not mandatory. It is mandatory to study the provided study texts. In the case of attendance, there may be materials that will be uploaded to moodle and/or the pre-submission of an essay in class. Following the presentation of the text, 3 of the anthropological topics handouts may be removed.

Course books
  • ·  John Hurry, 1995, Lo sguardo del turista, Edizioni SEAM
  • ·  Alessandro Simonicca,  1998, Antropologia del Turismo. Strategie di ricerca e contesti etnografici, Carocci
  • ·  Selezione di capitoli dal libro di Conrad Kottak – Antropologia culturale – 2012 – McGraw Hill 

                     Cap 1 Cosè l’antropologia  pg 1-14                                           Pgg 14

                     Cap 2 La cultura   pg 15-33                                                        Pgg 18

                     Cap 3 Panoramica delle teorie antropologiche  pg 35 - 52         Pgg 17

                     Cap 4 I metodi dell’antropologia culturale   pg 55-77                 Pgg 22

                     Cap 7 L’etnicità  pg 129-144                                                       Pgg 15

                     Cap 10 Il genere   pg 193-214                                                    Pgg 21

                      Par 8.9   L’antropologia del turismo  pg 163-172                        Pgg  9

                      Totale numero pagine del kottack  =                                            pgg  116

  • ·  Il libro di Jean Loup Amselle – Pscotropici. La febbre dell’ayahuasca nella foresta amazzonica – Meltemi, 2020


                Tre articoli a scelta tra i seguenti e quelli inclusi nel libro:

a cura di Bianchini F., C. Cipollari, Magnani E., Notarangelo C.  Esperienze nel continente africano. il turismo come strumento di sviluppo sostenibile, CISU 2009

e/o fra i seguenti:

“Can Tourists Purchase the Past? The Past as a Commodity in Tourists Sites”, in “Anthropological Notebooks”, XVI/1, pp. 23-36, 2010.

“Vivere il campo e vedersi osservati. Riflessioni sul posizionamento dell’etnografo in una ricerca di antropologia del turismo”, in Lai F. e Sbardella F. (a cura di), “Complicità, osservazione e racconto. Esperienze di ricerca al femminile”, pp. 23-43, Patron editore, Bologna, 2010.

 “Can Tourists Purchase the Past? The Past as a Commodity in Tourists Sites”, in “Anthropological Notebooks”, XVI/1, pp. 23-36, 2010.

“Il turismo sessuale nel sud-est asiatico, una lettura antropologica.”, in Lucà Trobetta P. e Scotti S (a cura di), “L’albero della vita. Feste religiose e ritualità profane nel mondo globalizzato”, pp. 327-337, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2007.

Noel B. Salazar, Antropología del turismo en Países en desarrollo: Análisis crítico de las culturas, poderes e identidades generados por el turismo in Tabula rasa, 5, julio-diciembre, 2006.     http://www.revistatabularasa.org/numero-5/salazar.pdf


Oral examination

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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