Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2017/2018 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Mirco Fanelli Monday to Friday 10:00 to 12:00 and14:00 to 17:00 (please, contact the teacher)
Teaching in foreign languages
Course partially taught in a foreign language English
This course is taught partially in Italian and partially in a foreign language. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Sanitary Nutritional and Environmental Biology (LM-6)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The objective of the Molecular Pathology and Laboratory course is to consider the pathology from a molecular point of view. Students will acquire informations concerning the altered molecular patterns - in different models of disease (focusing the neoplastic diseases) - with particular attention to epigenetics mechanisms  . Additionally, several experimental approaches will be considered to study the most relevant biological processes.


  • Genomic stability: repair vs mutations
  • The DNA replication and the regulation of cell cycle 
  • Growth factors and oncogenes 
  • Growth inhibition and tumor suppressors
  • Molecular mechanism that regulate cell death and cellular senescence 
  • The regulation of gene expression
  • Epigenetic: the "histone code"
  • The paradox of APL: from the mechanism to therapy
  • Bridging Courses


    Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

    Knowledge and understanding - Acquisition of the tools to understand the molecular mechanisms of disease. Ability to use the language of their specific discipline.

    Applying knowledge and understanding - Ability to recognize and apply the cognitive tools and the rigorous approach of the  Molecular Pathology as rational of any activity related directly and indirectly to health protection.

    Indipendence of judgment - Being able to learn and independently evaluate the results of investigations on the pathogenesis and diagnosis of diseases

    Communicative skills ?- Ability to explain, in a simple, immediate and exhaustive manner the acquired knowledge and to know how to interface with future professional roles (researchers, students, health-operative).

    Learning ability - Upgrade capabilities through consultation of the scientific literatue of the discipline. Ability to participate, using the knowledge gained in the course, the continuous updating initiatives in the professional field.

    Teaching Material

    The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

    Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment





    Course books

    1) Stella Pelengaris - THE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF CANCER: a bridge from bench to bedside. Second Edition

    2) Robert A. Weinberg - THE BIOLOGY OF CANCER. Second Edition

    Additional material will be available online on the official site "blended learning"  Moodle › blended.uniurb.it


    Oral examination

    Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

    Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

    To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

    Additional Information for Non-Attending Students





    Course books

    1) Stella Pelengaris - THE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF CANCER: a bridge from bench to bedside. Second Edition

    2) Robert A. Weinberg - THE BIOLOGY OF CANCER. Second Edition

    Additional material will be available online on the official site "blended learning"  Moodle › blended.uniurb.it


    Oral examination

    Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

    Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

    To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.



    « back Last update: 21/07/2017

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