Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Massimo Russo

Assigned to the Degree Course

Sociology and Social Work (L-39 / L-40)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The students finished the educational path, will be able to apply what they have learned in the lessons and profitably interpret the changes in the sphere of education, analyzing the information and building useful models of interpretation.

The course aims to provide critical tools and theoretical skills and practical descriptions to interpret the processes and the transformation of education

They will analyze the forms, practices of eeducation. The changes in the market society and postmodernity

The characteristics and significance of the various forms of entertainment will be analyzed considering the socio-cultural processes of entertainment, especially in relation to the communication society.

 Considering the socio-cultural processes and network analysis in relation to the communication


education and legality

family and education

courage, obedience and authority

love and betrayal

civil disobedience

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding

Know the main analytical theories in the field of studies on free time. Acquire knowledge and expertise on key issues regarding leisure as a social phenomenon.

Knowing the paradigms, schools of thought and concepts about the main authors  Gain knowledge and understanding of the key factors related to the relationship between society and leisure. Applying knowledge and understanding Thanks to reflection on specific case studies, the course also aims to develop knowledge and understanding applied. Students will know how to use what they have learned in the lessons to be able to play profitably changes in social dynamics, analyze available information and build models of interpretation needed to understand the dynamics of change affecting leisure Making judgments Increase their capacity to develop independent judgments, than the general topics covered and with reference to the operational impacts of the knowledge learned. Students will be able, thanks to references to the knowledge acquired during the entire course of study, to proceed with a critical approach, essential for autonomously interpret the information available. communication skills Acquire the skills necessary to compete with other professionals on leisure topics. Acquire adequate skills useful to present experimental and bibliographic data. Increase the skills essential to transmit and adequately disclose information on the topics covered. Students must also show presentation skills, thanks to the lessons of what has been learned, using a specific language, your own judgment and their own conclusions also critically

learning ability

Learning the basics of the discipline for a subsequent application in the employment field. Acquiring the ability to consult databases, journals and use innovative techniques and fundamental cognitive tools to update knowledge.
Students will gain knowledge, skills and theoretical understanding and applied through participation in lectures, seminars and planned educational activities; also accrue analytical skills through individual exercises prepared by the teacher during the course.

The course aims to provide a set of conceptual tools and analytical elements to read the radical socio-cultural changes taking place in the considered leisure.

Free time will be analyzed as soon as the political processes, social and economic relating to globalization may take more immediate visibility ,.

In particular we will consider the transformations of productive assets, the instruments and the communication channels which have changed the founding assumptions and the very idea of free time.


The course consists of two modules: a first strongest (26 hours), largely theoretically based and organized on lessons in attendance, critical reading and analysis of texts and research materials mentioning outlining the main guidelines and recent landings research; a second shorter (10 hours), the workshop character and managed in the form of seminars, aimed at achieving collective research on various aspects and problems of the time considered free through the investigation and the methodological approach developed in particular social tools and ethnography with the method of participant observation in the field.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

You will be provided with educational cards in paper and electronic format of synthesis and further investigation.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Defined the object of study, leisure as a social phenomenon, the course will focus on the main topics of sociology of leducation. Particular attention will be devoted to deepen the essential concepts and the crucial phenomena related to education. .During The course will give theoretical and empirical all'anali space of ways of relating to education. Students at the end of the course, will have to apply the knowledge learned in the lessons and, in particular, interpret profitably changes affecting the sphere of leisure time, analyzing the information that they will receive and building interpretative models useful for this purpose The course wants to provide critical and theoretical skills and practical tools-descriptive to interpret the processes and transformations that cross the dimension of time, with special emphasis on what qualified as free. They will analyze the forms, practices of consumption and investment of free time. The changes in relation with changes in market society and postmodern


3/4 of lections.

Course books

Z. Bauman-L. Donikis, Male liquido, Laterza,  2022.

C. Fourest, Generazione offesa. Dalla polizia della cultura alla polizia del pensiero, Nessun Dogma 2022

T. Morrison, L'origine degli altri, Sperling & Kupfer, 2019

One of your choice

R. Hughes, La cultura del piagnisteo, Adelphi, Milano 1993

M. Garcia, Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di consenso, Einaudi 2022

L. Thuram, Il pensiero bianco, ADD 2021


Assessment of learning It will occur with either a written or an individual interview of exam papers. It will evaluate learning content, the reworking skills and argumentation. You can present a working paper, he agreed with the teacher 

The evaluations are configured in 1) of excellence; 2) discrete; 3) negative 

The feedback of excellence will be given to students based on: 1) good critical skills and in-depth; 2) valid thematic link; 3) the use of an appropriate language with respect to the specificity of the discipline

Discrete valuations: will be given on the basis of: 1) a knowledge no mnemonic of the contents; 2) a relative critical and the connection between the topics covered: 3) the use of appropriate language, but not entirely, with the specific nature of the discipline.

Sufficient feedback will be given on the basis of: 1) a baggage of minimal knowledge on the topics covered; 2) a formally correct exposure, but not critical, present educational gaps; 3) the use of a little-appropriate language with respect to the specificity of the discipline.

Will give rise to negative assessments: student's difficulty in orientation with respect to the issues addressed in the exam papers; training gaps; the use of inappropriate language with the specific nature of the discipline.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


3/4 of lections.

Course books

Z. Bauman-L. Donikis, Male liquido, Laterza,  2022.

C. Fourest, Generazione offesa. Dalla polizia della cultura alla polizia del pensiero, Nessun Dogma 2022

T. Morrison, L'origine degli altri, Sperling & Kupfer, 2019

One of your choice

R. Hughes, La cultura del piagnisteo, Adelphi, Milano 1993

M. Garcia, Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di consenso, Einaudi 2022

L. Thuram, Il pensiero bianco, ADD 2021


Assessment of learning It will occur with either a written or an individual interview of exam papers. It will evaluate learning content, the reworking skills and argumentation. You can present a working paper, he agreed with the teacher 

The evaluations are configured in 1) of excellence; 2) discrete; 3) negative 

The feedback of excellence will be given to students based on: 1) good critical skills and in-depth; 2) valid thematic link; 3) the use of an appropriate language with respect to the specificity of the discipline

Discrete valuations: will be given on the basis of: 1) a knowledge no mnemonic of the contents; 2) a relative critical and the connection between the topics covered: 3) the use of appropriate language, but not entirely, with the specific nature of the discipline.

Sufficient feedback will be given on the basis of: 1) a baggage of minimal knowledge on the topics covered; 2) a formally correct exposure, but not critical, present educational gaps; 3) the use of a little-appropriate language with respect to the specificity of the discipline.

Will give rise to negative assessments: student's difficulty in orientation with respect to the issues addressed in the exam papers; training gaps; the use of inappropriate language with the specific nature of the discipline.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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