Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A.Y. Academic Discipline Venue
2019/2020 L-14 - Classe delle lauree in scienze dei servizi giuridici Urbino

Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at: a) on the one hand, providing graduates with knowledge in the basic sectors for legal preparation, in observance of qualifying goals in the degree class L14, with specific reference to subjects that are part of historical-legal, philosophical-legal, private law, constitutional, economic and public law areas; b) on the other hand, to provide graduates with in-depth knowledge and skills in various areas of law, with particular reference to labour law and business and sector law, with particular attention to employment profiles. In this way, the graduate will acquire the knowledge and competences required for labour consultancy in both the private and public sector, also specifically regarding legal problems connected with the health and safety of workers, management of labour and trade union relations, and referring to the activities of associations that represent collective and professional interests.

Open Day online e in presenza

Da maggio a ottobre 2024 — È il momento ideale per conoscere da vicino l’Università di Urbino e la sua offerta formativa. Non perdere l’occasione di incontrare i docenti e i tutor dei corsi di laurea.

scopri il programma

Law Degree for Labour Consultancy and Safety at Work (L-14)

How to apply for Law Degree for Labour Consultancy and Safety at Work

Course with free access
Application procedure
You can apply from the 22/07/2019 to the 11/10/2019 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines

Useful documents and materials

Scheda del corso download
Piano degli Studi download

Information on teaching and research activities

Contact your tutor
Tutors are there to help students find their way around and organize their attendance, in order to turn them into active participants in their formative process, and to remove all the obstacles that prevent them from attending all their courses. For information: tutor.giurisprudenza@uniurb.it
Prof.ssa Piera Campanella
 0722 303220   0722 2955   piera.campanella@uniurb.it
Prof.ssa Chiara Lazzari
 0722 303250   0722 2955   chiara.lazzari@uniurb.it

Administrative contacts

Help Desk online
Apri un ticket su helpme.uniurb.it
Sportello telefonico
Gli operatori rispondono al +39 0722 303030 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 11.00 e il martedì e il giovedì dalle 14.30 alle 16.30
Periodo di chiusura
Dal 12 al 18 agosto 2024 — Chiusura estiva

Link utili

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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