Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance

Sector Skills Alliances aim at tackling skills gaps, by identifying sector specific labour market needs and demand for new skills with regard to one or more occupational profiles (demand side), or by enhancing the responsiveness of initial and continuing VET systems, at any level (supply side), to sector–specific labour market needs. Drawing on evidence regarding skills needs, Sector Skills Alliances support the design and delivery of transnational vocational training content, as well as teaching and training methodologies. Sector Skills Alliances for strategic sectoral cooperation on skills identify and develop concrete actions to match demand and supply of skills to support the overall sector-specific growth strategy.

Data pubblicazione: 20/11/2019
Scadenza presentazione domande: 26/2/2020

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