Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Adding an international experience to their educational career by spending a study period at the University of Urbino is a great opportunity to students coming from our Partner Universities around the world. Find out more about our International exchange programs.

The ERSU (Regional Authority for the Right to University Study) of Urbino manages scholarships for students from the following universities in the US, which enable them to attend the University of Urbino for one or two semesters.

Partner universities in the United States:

The scholarship covers accommodation and living expenses, whereas students must pay to register for the courses. For detailed information please visit the page Academic programs/Individual courses for free movers.

For their study holidays in Urbino, students from SUNY and Villanova University are assisted by two group tutors who help them organise all the logistic aspects of their trip and strive to ensure that their experience at our University is successful.

For detailed information:www.ersurb.it>viaggi studio.

Other useful information

For information on the registration procedure for the courses, accommodation and any other information you may require regarding study holidays at our university, please visit the Student Mobility page.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA107, for the academic year 2022/2023, the University of Urbino has been awarded of 2 places for students coming from an Albanian University in the consortium UNIMED (Unione Università del Meditarreneo) within the project COMMO VI.

More info on call for applications can be found here


For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

The University of Urbino is a member of the ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) based in Washington. Through the ISEP,our University can host students from US universities which belong to the ISEP network, forone or two semesters.


Students from the US arriving at our University will be guaranteed free accommodation.

For information on the registration procedure for the courses, accommodation and any other information you may require regarding study holidays at our university, please visit the Student Mobility page.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

The University of Urbino Carlo Bo admits students from the Villanova School of Business to the joint semester study program Italian Language and Culture in the Global Economy developed in cooperation between the Villanova School of Business and the University of Urbino.

Details of the program:

  • admission to the program with facilitation from the scientific and didactic coordinator of the program.  This includes pre-departure acceptance and orientation at Villanova, admissions in Urbino and course registration in Urbino. Visa and permit of stay will be facilitated by Villanova’s Office of Education Abroad and the Resident Program Director at the University of Urbino
  • all lessons are held in the English language, with the right to hand all assignments and sit exams in English except in the case of required Italian language courses
  • Villanova students have regular access to all University of Urbino library services and other academic facilities normally offered by the University of Urbino to its students
  • Villanova students can receive discounts at bookstores and other businesses normally granting discounts to University of Urbino students
  • admissions documents necessary for requesting study-visas from the Italian Consulate in the United States are provided by the University of Urbino through the Office of International Studies at Villanova University
  • Villanova students have access to and receive facilitation from Villanova University’s resident program director in Urbino for academic and non academic issues

In addition:

  • Italian language courses count toward credit at Villanova. They are provided through the University of Urbino, offered in an intensive course early in the semester followed by a second more extensive course later in each semester
  • the successful completion of the program confers upon the student a certificate of completion as well as a regular semester credit load recognized by the Villanova School of Business
  • the required Competitive Effectiveness course is taught jointly by a visiting Villanova School of Business professor and by a professor of the University of Urbino
  • facilitation will be provided regarding inter-cultural didactics and language support
  • class size remains small, although a limited number of Italian and or other foreign students may be admitted to the program by application to the scientific and didactic committee
  • Villanova Students will be covered by “Polizza Responsabilità Civile n. 1830.65.51557465 by UNIPOL Assicurazioni” and “Polizza Infortuni Chartis IAH0002656”

Thanks to a dual agreement with two universities in Moscow, each year the School of Foreign Languages and Literature of the DISCUI(Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies of the University of Urbino can host 2 students from the Moskovskij Gorodskoj Psichologo-Pedagogiceskij Universitet (MGPPU)and 2 students from the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE).



For information on the registration procedure for the courses, accommodation and any other information you may require regarding study holidays at our university, please visit the Student Mobility page.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

From 2012/2013 academic year, each year the University of Urbino can receive up to 4 students and 1 graduate for foreign languages assistantship from the Universidad de Aguascalientes – UAA (Mexico). The maximum stay of exchange students at the host university is one semester. Courses at the University of Urbino officially start in October and end in February.

Italian language - a B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required.

Students participating in the exchange program must register and pay tuition fees and other required expenses to the UAA before starting the exchange. No tuition fees are charged by the University of Urbino. All exchange students must obtain a compulsory health and accident insurance.

It is the responsibility of all exchange students to obtain:

  • Transportation to and from the host institution
  • Health Insurance
  • Textbooks and personal expenses
  • All debts incurred during the year course
  • Room and board
  • The host University will grant full access to language courses without any cost including students who only wish to learn the language.


For information on the registration procedure for the courses, accommodation and any other information you may require regarding study holidays at our university, please visit the Student Mobility page.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA107, for the academic years 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 the University of Urbino offers 6 places for students coming from the University of Hanoi (Vietnam). Students will receive an Erasmus grant for 6 months. The programme is addressed to under graduate students of the Faculty of Management and Tourism and students of the Italian Department of Hanoi University.



For information on the registration procedure for the courses, accommodation and any other information you may require regarding study holidays at our university, please visit the Student Mobility page.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

Thanks to an agreement with the University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia) the University of Urbino can host 2 students for 1 term in each calendar year.

Tuition fees are free for exchange students whereas accommodation and living expenses are the responsibility of each exchange student.

For information on the registration procedure for the courses, accommodation and any other information you may require regarding study holidays at our university, please visit the Student Mobility page.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.


This Erasmus + KA107 Project allows students regularly enrolled in the Master in Economics Analysis of the Private Institution University "Kyiv School of Economics" (Ukraine) to carry out a mobility study period at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

During their stay at the University of Urbino, students will carry out learning activities aimed at achieving the Double Degree "Master's Degree in Economics and Management" issued by the University of Urbino and "Master of Science in Economics Analysis" issued by the Kyiv School of Economics. The Double Degree program contributes to raising educational standards and to increasing interest in the subjects of the Master's Degree programs in Italy and Ukraine, thus extending the knowledge acquired thanks to the collaboration between the two Institutes to young students of the Master in Economics Analysis, on innovative and significant topics in terms of socio-economic activities.                                                             

The mobility duration is 3 months.

The financial contribution is provided through funds allocated by the European Commission, represented in Italy by the Erasmus + INDIRE National Agency. Grants are a contribution towards the costs of the planned Erasmus+ mobility period. Students awarded an Erasmus + mobility grant must be up-to-date with the payment of the enrollment fees at the Private Institution University "Kyiv School of Economics" (Ukraine) and are exempt from paying the enrollment fees at the University of Urbino

For information on the registration procedure for the courses, accommodation and any other information you may require regarding study holidays at our university, please visit the Student Mobility page.

For detailed information on visas/permits of stay and health insurance, please visit the page Welcome to Urbino>Stay in Italy.

Annual calls can be found here

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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