Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


  • PhD students who are interested in requesting, for proven reasons, an extension of a maximum of 12 months for the submission of the Ph.D. thesis as foreseen by the Ministerial Decree 226/2021 (Article 8, paragraph 6) must submit the relevant request  preferably 6 months before the end of the Ph.D. Programme, i.e. April 30th 2024.
  • For PhD students PON Project D.M.1061/2021, there is no possibility of requesting the extension pursuant to Art. 8, paragraph 6 of the Ministerial Decree. 226/2021.


Ph.D. students must submit the final report on the activities carried out during the 3 years of the Ph.D. programme including eventual publications (see format "Relazione triennale / Final Report" at the bottom of the page) to the Ph.D. Coordinator by the following deadline:

  • September 15th, 2024 for those who finish the programme on October 31st2024;
  • January 8th 2025 for those who finish the programme on December 31st 2024 (PhD students PON Project D.M.1061/2021).


The mandatory deadline for submitting the Graduation application depends on the total number of months of extension obtained by the Ph.D. student:

  • no extension: October 31st 2024;
  • 3 months: January 30th 2025;
  • 6 months: April 30th 2025;
  • 9 months: July 31st 2025;
  • 12 months: October 31st 2025.

Those who have availed of suspension periods must retrieve these before submitting the Graduation application and contact the Ph.D. Office to verify their specific deadlines.

 GRADUATION APPLICATION for PhD students PON Project D.M.1061/2021:

  • January 30th 2025.

To proceed with the Graduation application, please log in to your reserved area (https://uniurb.esse3.cineca.it/Home.do) and select “Conseguimento titolo” from the menu. The procedure is explained in detail in the step-by-step guide “Guida conseguimento titolo” available at the bottom of the page.

During the Graduation application procedure, the following mandatory attachments are requested:

  • Electronic copy of the Ph.D. thesis in PDF/A format - max 300MB: please note that for the coverpage it is mandatory to use the specific template available at the bottom of the page. As required by the MIUR, Prot. 1581 of 26/07/2005 the frontispiece must include the name of the supervisor and the eventual co-supervisor as well as the code of the Scientific Disciplinary Sector - three at most (the updated list of the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors is available at the bottom of this page).
  • Receipt of the AlmaLaurea online questionnaire
  • Disclaimer for archiving the Ph.D. thesis
  • Final Report

Ph.D. students who wish to request a 12 months-embargo must also attach the relevant request form authorized by the Supervisor and the Ph.D. Director.

All relevant forms are available at the bottom of the page.

During the Graduation application procedure, the Ph.D. student will also be asked to insert the abstract of the thesis in English (3000 characters maximum).

At the end of the application procedure and within the same deadline, the following payments must be made:

  • € 16.00 (stamp duty) of graduation application fee;
  • € 16.00 (stamp duty) of parchment contribution.

The Ph.D. thesis, together with the final report, will be examined by two external reviewers appointed by the Board of Lecturers. Within 30 days of acceptance of the appointment, the reviewers will express an analytical evaluation of the Ph.D. thesis and propose its admission to the public discussion in the event of a positive judgment or minimal revisions requested (minor) or its postponement for a period of up to six months if they consider that significant additions or corrections are necessary (major revision).

The possible outcomes of the evaluation are:

  • POSITIVE OUTCOME: the thesis automatically acquires the final status.
  • MINOR REVISION REQUESTED: the revised and corrected thesis must be uploaded within 30 days.
  • MAJOR REVISION REQUESTED: within six months the updated thesis, revised and corrected as requested, must be uploaded and submitted for a second evaluation by the reviewers.

In the event of conflicting evaluations, the worst opinion prevails.

Based on the evaluations received, the Board of Lecturers admits/does not admit each Ph.D. student to the public discussion (University Ph.D. Regulations).


The discussion of the thesis takes place in a public session in front of an Evaluation Board appointed by a Rector's Decree on the proposal of the Board of Lecturers.

The final thesis approved by the supervisor will be automatically sent by the system to the members Selection Board.

At the end of the discussion, the Ph.D. thesis is approved or rejected with a motivated written judgment issued by the Evaluation Board. In the presence of results of particular scientific importance, the Commission can unanimously decide to award honours.

The title of Ph.D. (Dott. Ric.) is issued upon passing the final exam.

After the achievement of the Ph.D. title or upon the expiry of the requested embargo period, the University of Urbino will deposit the thesis in the open-access institutional archive IRIS ORA.

Moreover, the University will take care of the legal deposit of the Ph.D. thesis at the Central National Libraries of Rome and Florence.

Documento File
PON Green/Innovazione_Final report (XXXVII cycle)
PON Green/Innovazione_Final report (XXXVII cycle)
PON Innovazione_Thesis cover page ITA_ENG (XXXVII cycle)
Form for the final exam (only for PON Innovazione Ph.D. students)
PON Green_Thesis cover page ITA_ENG (XXXVII cycle)
Form for the final exam (only for PON Green Ph.D. students)
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare - Academic Fields and Disciplines (XXXVII cycle)
Documentation for the final exam
Embargo request for the doctoral thesis (XXXVII cycle)
Form for the final exam
Disclaimer for publication of doctoral thesis in IRIS-ORA (XXXVII cycle)
Form for the final exam
Cotutelle_Thesis cover page ITA_ENG (XXXVII cycle)
Form for the final exam
Thesis cover page ITA_ENG (XXXVII cycle)
Form for the final exam
Guide to the graduation application (XXXVII cycle)
Guide to the graduation application
Final report (XXXVII cycle)
Form for the final exam
Request of deadline extension Ph.D. Thesis (XXXVII cycle)
Form for the final exam

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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