Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

According to the ministerial orders of the Italian Ministry of Education and University, if you are a non EU resident  you have to pre-enroll on Universitaly. Please follow the instructions you can find in the tabs below.


Virtual help desk

The Ufficio Relazioni con gli studenti | Office for International students in now using a virtual help desk that will allow international students to speak to an operator booking an appointment for a video call during specific slots.

In order to be able to book an appointment a registration on our platform is required uniurb.it/esse3

Book a video call with the Office for International students uniurb.it/presente

Bachelors - three-year undergraduate degree programs, Integrated masters - five-year undergraduate degree programs, Masters - two-year postgraduate degree programs

General Caveat

Non-EU students living abroad gain access according to quota contingents (contingente) established every year for each degree programme. Students can pre-enrol in only one degree programme.

Enrolment Procedure

In their home country 

  • Pre-enrolment application on UNIVERSITALY.

    During the pre-registration procedure on Universitaly, students that intend to apply for master degree programmes have to upload the evaluation of the exams passed and course syllabi. To this end, students need to contact the Ufficio Relazioni con gli studenti e applicativi carriere at immatricolazione.stranieri@uniurb.it and attach a copy of their Academic qualification and a copy of their transcript of records.  

  • Online Italian language test to be taken during a video conference. Students and the Diplomatic Representative will be informed of the exact date and content of the test through Universitaly. For detailed information on the exemption from the Italian language test, students must check the test of proficiency in the Italian language (page 11). ITA-L2 test from Cisia is also accepted to be exempted from the Italian language test organised by our University. Minimum mark required: 48.  
  • Registration for admission test if required by the degree course regulations of each specific degree programme within the timescales indicated. Late registrations for admission tests will not be accepted. Students must check the so-called Indicazioni per l’accesso. 

Upon arrival in Italy

Permit of Stay application. Within eight working days from their arrival in Italy on a type D “national” visa for STUDY (University Enrolment), candidates must forward a request for a residence permit for STUDY to the police headquarters responsible for the city where they intend to establish their residence, according to the measures of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For registration students must:

Guidelines for the registration procedure.  

Single Courses

Students or foreign citizens applying for a visa, who intend to attend one or more single courses (corsi singoli) or internships (stage) at the University of Urbino, can apply by sending a pdf file with all the required documentation to Ufficio Relazioni con gli studenti, Applicativi carriere e Diritto allo studio at immatricolazione.stranieri@uniurb.it or through helpme.uniurb.it

The visa application must be submitted on UNIVERSITALY.

Applicants are not required to sit the Italian Language Test.

After being accepted, students can enrol in the university system. 

All information about documents required, tuition fees, syllabi and registration procedure can be found at academic programs_single courses.


VISA renewal

Foreign candidates cannot obtain the renewal of an entry visa in order to further their studies by attending another single course, distinct from the one that allowed the students to enter Italy. Whereas the renewability of an entry visa for study purposes is allowed for the furtherance of studies through enrolment in a degree course that is pertinent or consequent to the finished single course.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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